Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“The point where I believe we should start to dig,” said the professor, “is near the spot where the top of the mountain casts a shadow



when the sun is one hour high. At least that is the direction given in the old manuscripts. So, though we can do little without the map, we might make a start by digging there.”

“No, not there!” exclaimed Tom.

“Why not?”

“Because we don’t want to let Beecher’s crowd know that we are on the track of the idol of gold.”

“But they know anyhow, for they have the map,” commented Ned, puzzled by his chum’s words.

“Maybe not,” said Tom slowly. “I think this is a time for a big bluff. It may work and it may not. Beecher’s crowd either has the map or they have not. If they have it they will lose no time in trying to find the right place to start digging and then they’ll begin excavating.

“Very good! If they do that we have a right to dig near the same place. But if they have not the map, which is possible, and if we start to dig where the professor’s memory tells him is the right spot, we’ll only give them the tip, and they’ll dig there also.”

“I’m sure they have the map,” the professor said. “But I believe your plan is a good one, Tom.”

“Just what do you propose doing?” asked Ned.



“Fooling ‘em!” exclaimed Tom quickly. “We’ll dig in some place remote from the spot where the mountain casts its shadow. They will think, if they haven’t the map, that we are proceeding by it, and they’ll dig, too. When they find nothing, as will also happen to us, they may go away.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor