Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



They don’t show much emotion, but they have deep feelings. This one says he will devote himself to your service from now on. I believe we can count on him. He is deeply grateful to you, Tom.”

“I’m glad of that for all our sakes. But what does he say about Jacinto?”

The professor asked some more questions, receiving answers, and then translated them.

“This Indian, whose name is Tolpec, says Jacinto is a fraud,” exclaimed Professor Bumper. “He made all the Indians leave us in the night, though many of them were willing to stay and fill the contract they had made. But Jacinto would not let them, making them desert. Tolpec went away with the others, but because of what Tom had done he planned to come back at the first chance and be our guide. Accordingly he jumped ashore from one of the canoes, and made his way to our camp. He got there, found it deserted and followed us, coming up just now.”

“Well I’m glad I didn’t frighten him off with my gun,” remarked Tom grimly. “So he agrees with us that Jacinto is a scoundrel, does he? I guess he might as well classify Professor Beecher in the same way.”

“I am not quite so sure of that,” said Professor Bumper slowly. “I can not believe Beecher



would play such a trick as this, though some over-zealous friend of his might.”

“Oh, of course Beecher did it!” cried Tom. “He heard we were coming here, figured out that we’d start ahead of him, and he wanted to side-track us. Well, he did it all right,” and Tom’s voice was bitter.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor