Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



“Sometimes I think,” went on Mr. Nestor, “that Tom isn’t quite steady enough. He’s thinking of so many things, perhaps, that he can’t get his mind down to the commonplace. I remember he once sent something here in a box labeled `dynamite.’ Though there was no explosive in it, it gave us a great fright. But Tom is a boy, in spite of his years. Professor Beecher seems much older. We all like him very much.”

“That’s nice,” said Ned, as he took his departure. He had found out what he had come to learn.

“I knew it!” Ned exclaimed as he walked home. “I knew something was in the wind. The little green god of jealousy has Tom in his clutches. That’s why my inventive friend was so anxious to go on this expedition when he learned Beecher was to go. He wants to beat him. I guess the professor has plainly shown that he wouldn’t like anything better than to cut Tom out with Mary. Whew! that’s something to think about!”



Chapter 6



NED NEWTON decided to keep to himself what he had heard at the Nestor home. Not for the world would he let Tom Swift know of the situation.

“That is, I won’t let him know that I know,” said Ned to himself, “though he is probably as well aware of the situation as I am. But it sure is queer that this Professor Beecher should have taken such a fancy to Mary, and that her father should regard him so well. That is natural, I suppose. But I wonder how Mary herself feels about it. That is the part Tom would be most interested in.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor