Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“Some place in Central America,” Ned answered, not wishing to be too particular. He was wondering how he could find out what he wanted to know, when Mary’s mother unexpectedly gave him just the information he was after.

“Central America!” she exclaimed. “Why, Father,” and she looked at her husband, “that’s where Professor Beecher is going, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I believe he did mention something about that.”

“Professor Beecher, the man who is an authority



on Aztec ruins?” asked Ned, taking a shot in the dark.

“Yes,” said Mr. Nestor. “And a mighty fine young man he is, too. I knew his father well. He was here on a visit not long ago, young Beecher was, and he talked most entertainingly about his discoveries. You remember how interested Mary was, Mother?”

“Yes, she seemed to be,” said Mrs. Nestor. “Tom Swift dropped in during the course of the evening,” she added to Ned, “and Mary introduced him to Professor Beecher. But I can’t say that Tom was much interested in the professor’s talk.”

“No?” questioned Ned.

“No, not at all. But Tom did not stay long. He left just as Mary and the professor were drawing a map so the professor could indicate where he had once made a big discovery.”

“I see,” murmured Ned. “Well, I suppose Tom must have been thinking of something else at the time.”

“Very likely,” agreed Mr. Nestor. “But Tom missed a very profitable talk. I was very much interested myself in what the professor told us, and so was Mary. She invited Mr. Beecher to come again. He takes after his father in being very thorough in what he does.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor