Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

The preparations were finally completed. The party went aboard the steamer, which was a large freight vessel, carrying a limited number of passengers, and late one afternoon swung down New York Bay.

“Off for Honduras!” cried Ned gaily, as they passed the Statue of Liberty. “I wonder what will happen before we see that little lady again.”

“Who knows?” asked Tom, shrugging his shoulders, Spanish fashion. And there came before him the vision of a certain “little lady,” about whom he had been thinking deeply of late.



Chapter 9



“RATHER tame, isn’t it, Tom?”

“Well, Ned, it isn’t exactly like going up in an airship,” and Tom Swift who was gazing over the rail down into the deep blue water of the Caribbean Sea, over which their vessel was then steaming, looked at his chum beside him.

“No, and your submarine voyage had it all over this one for excitement,” went on Ned. “When I think of that — — ”

“Bless my sea legs!” interrupted Mr. Damon, overhearing the conversation. “Don’t speak of that trip. My wife never forgave me for going on it. But I had a fine time,” he added with a twinkle of his eyes.

“Yes, that was quite a trip,” observed Tom, as his mind went back to it. “But this one isn’t over yet remember. And I shouldn’t be surprised if we had a little excitement very soon.”

“What do you mean?” asked Ned.



Up to this time the voyage from New York down into the tropical seas had been anything but exciting. There were not many passengers besides themselves, and the weather had been fine.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor