Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



from the same cause — the actions of a rival. Now we’ll turn the tables on the other fellows and see how they like it. The professor’s right — let’s have breakfast. Jacinto seems to have told the truth. Nothing of ours is missing.”

Tom and Ned got the meal, and then a consultation was held as to what was best to be done.

“We can’t go on any further by water, that’s sure,” said Tom. “In the first place the river is too shallow, and secondly we have no canoes. So the only thing is to go on foot through the jungle.”

“But how can we, and carry all this stuff?” asked Ned.

“We needn’t carry it!” cried Professor Bumper. “We’ll leave it here, where it will be safe enough, and tramp on to the nearest Indian village. There we’ll hire bearers to take our stuff on until we can get mules. I’m not going to turn back!”

“Good!” cried Mr. Damon. “Bless my rubber boots! but that’s what I say — keep on!”

“Oh, no! we’ll never turn back,” agreed Tom.

“But how can we manage it?” asked Ned.

“We’ve just got to! And when you have to do a thing, it’s a whole lot easier to do than if you just feel as though you ought to. So, lively is the word!” cried Tom, in answer.



“We’ll pack up what we can carry and leave the rest,” added the scientist.

Being an experienced traveler Professor Bumper had arranged his baggage so that it could be carried by porters if necessary. Everything could be put into small packages, including the tents and food supply.

“There are four of us,” remarked Tom, “and if we can not pack enough along with us to enable us to get to the nearest village, we had better go back to civilization. I’m not afraid to try.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor