Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“If, on the other hand, they have the map, and see us digging at a spot not indicated on it, they will be puzzled, knowing we must have some idea of where the buried city lies. They will think the map is at fault, perhaps, and not make use of it. Then we can get it back.”

“Bless my hatband!” cried Mr. Damon. “I believe you’re right, Tom. We’ll dig in the wrong place to fool ‘em.”

And this was done. Search for the precious map was given up for the time being, and the professor and his friends set the natives to work digging shafts in the ground, as though sinking them down to the level of the buried city.

But though this false work was prosecuted with vigor for several days, there was a feeling of despair among the Bumper party over the loss of the map.

“If we could only get it back!” exclaimed the professor, again and again.

Meanwhile the Beecher party seemed inactive. True, some members of it did come over to look



on from a respectful distance at what the diggers were doing. Some of the rival helpers, under the direction of the head of the expedition, also began sinking shafts. But they were not in the locality remembered by Professor Bumper as being correct.

“I can’t imagine what they’re up to,” he said. “If they have my map they would act differently, I should think.”

“Whatever they’re up to,” answered Tom, “the time has come when we can dig at the place where we can hope for results.” And the following day shafts were started in the shadow of the mountain.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor