Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



rows of keen teeth snapped shut as a scissors-like jaw opened, and the meat was gone.

“See!” was the guide’s remark, and something like a cold shiver of fear passed over the white members of the party. “This water is not made in which to swim. Be careful!”

“We certainly shall,” agreed Tom. “They’re fierce.”

“And always hungry,” observed Jacinto grimly.

“And to think that I — that I nearly had my hand on it,” murmured Mr. Damon. “Ugh! Bless my eyeglasses!”

“The alligator nearly had your hand,” said the guide. “They can turn in the water like a flash, wherefore it is not wise to pat one on the tail lest it present its mouth instead.”

They paddled on up the river, the dusky Indians now and then breaking out into a chant that seemed to give their muscles new energy. The song, if song it was, passed from one boat to the other, and as the chant boomed forth the craft shot ahead more swiftly.

They made a landing about noon, and lunch was served. Tom and his friends were hungry in spite of the heat. Moreover, they were experienced travelers and had learned not to fret over inconveniences and discomforts. the Indians



ate by themselves, two acting as servants to Jacinto and the professor’s party.

As is usual in traveling in the tropics, a halt was made during the heated middle of the day. Then, as the afternoon shadows were waning, the party again took to the canoes and paddled on up the river.

“Do you know of a good place to stop during the night?” asked Professor Bumper of Jacinto.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor