Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“Yes, I guess that’s the best thing for you,” assented Tom with an air of relief. He and Ned had talked the matter over, and they had agreed that the presence of such a big man as Koku, in an expedition going on a more or less secret mission, would attract too much attention.

“Well, I guess that clears matters up,” said Tom, as he looked over a collection of rifles and small arms, to decide which to take. “We won’t have them to worry about.”

“No, only Professor Beecher,” remarked Ned, with a sharp look at his chum.

“Oh, we’ll dispose of him all right!” asserted Tom boldly. “He hasn’t had any experience in business of this sort, and with that you and Professor Bumper and Mr. Damon know we ought to have little trouble in getting ahead of the young man.”

“Not to speak of your own aid,” added Ned.

“Oh, I’ll do what I can, of course,” said Tom, with an air of indifference. But Ned knew his chum would work ceaselessly to help get the idol of gold.



Tom gave no sign that there was any complication in his affair with Mary Nestor, and of course Ned did not tell anything of what he knew about it.

That night saw the preparations of Ned and Tom about completed. There were one or two matters yet to finish on Tom’s part in relation to his business, but these offered no difficulties.

The two chums were in the Swift home, talking over the prospective trip, when Mrs. Baggert, answering a ring at the front door, announced that Mr. Damon was outside.

“Tell him to come in,” ordered Tom.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor