Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“What has happened?” whispered Ned, pausing.

“Don’t stop to ask — come on!” shouted Tom.

At that instant again came the voice of the savant.

“Tom! Ned!” he gasped, rather than cried.

“I’m caught in the coils! Quick — quick if you would save me!”

“In the coils!” repeated Ned. “What does he mean? Can the giant iguana — — ”

Tom Swift did not stop to answer. With his electric rifle in readiness, he leaped forward through the jungle.



Chapter 16



BEFORE Tom and Ned reached the place whence Professor Bumper had called, they heard strange noises, other than the imploring voice of their friend. It seemed as though some great body was threshing about in the jungle, lashing the trees, bushes and leaves about, and when the two young men, followed by Mr. Damon, reached the scene they saw that, in a measure, this really accounted for what they heard.

Something like a great whip was beating about close to two trees that grew near together. And then, when the storm of twigs, leaves and dirt, caused by the leaping, threshing thing ceased for a moment, the onlookers saw something that filled them with terror.

Between the two trees, and seemingly bound to them by a great coiled rope, spotted and banded, was the body of Professor Bumper. His arms



were pinioned to his sides and there was horror and terror on his face, that looked imploringly at the youths from above the topmost coil of those encircling him.

“What is it?” cried Mr. Damon, as he ran pantingly up. “What has caught him? Is it the giant iguana?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor