Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“So, Tom Swift,” went on the professor, “I come to you for help in this matter. I want you to aid me in organizing an expedition to go to Honduras after the idol of gold. Will you?”

“I’ll help you, of course,” said Tom. “You may use any of my inventions you choose — my airships, my motor boats and submarines, even my giant cannon if you think you can take it with you. And as for the money part, Ned will arrange that for you. But as for going with you myself, it is out of the question. I can’t. No Honduras for me!”



Chapter 4



HAD Tom Swift’s giant cannon been discharged somewhere in the vicinity of his home it could have caused but little more astonishment to Mr. Damon and Professor Bumper than did the simple announcement of the young inventor. The professor seemed to shrink back in his chair, collapsing like an automobile tire when the air is let out. As for Mr. Damon he jumped up and cried:

“Bless my — — !”

But that is as far as he got — at least just then. He did not seem to know what to bless, but he looked as though he would have liked to include most of the universe.

“Surely you don’t mean it, Tom Swift,” gasped Professor Bumper at length. “Won’t you come with us?”

“No,” said Tom, slowly. “Really I can’t go. I’m working on an invention of a new aeroplane



stabilizer, and if I go now it will be just at a time when I am within striking distance of success. And the stabilizer is very much needed.”

“If it’s a question of making a profit on it, Tom,” began Mr. Damon, “I can let you have some money until — — ”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor