Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



young again!” and Mr. Damon arose, to pace excitedly up and down the room.

Up to this time Professor Bumper had said very little. He had sat still in his chair listening to Mr. Damon. But now that the latter had ceased, at least for a time, Tom and Ned looked toward the scientist.

“I understand, Tom,” he said, “that you read my article in the magazine, about the possibility of locating some of the lost and buried cities of Honduras?”

“Yes, Ned and I each read it. It was quite wonderful.”

“And yet there are more wonders to tell,” went on the professor. “I did not give all the details in that article. I will tell you some of them. I have brought copies of the documents with me,” and he opened a small valise and took out several bundles tied with pink tape.

“As Mr. Damon said,” he went on while arranging his papers, “he met me on the train, and he was so taken by the story of the idol of gold that he agreed to accompany me to Central America.”

“On one condition!” put in the eccentric man.

“What’s that? You didn’t make any conditions while we were talking,” said the scientist.

“Yes, I said I’d go if Tom Swift did.”



“Oh, yes. You did say that. But I don’t call that a condition, for of course Tom Swift will go. Now let me tell you something more than I could impart over the telephone.

“Soon after I called you up, Tom — and it was quite a coincidence that it should have been at a time when you had just finished my magazine article. Soon after that, as I was saying, I arranged to come on to Shopton. And now I’m glad we’re all here together.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor