special box made, and would never keep the diamonds anywhere else.

Naturally, the thief opened it in a minute. A clever thief would

have no difficulty with a thing like that.”

“What happened?”

“Oh, the man saw father, and dropped the jewels, and ran off down

the corridor. Father chased him a little way, but of course it was

no good; so he went back and shouted, and rang every bell he could

see, and gave the alarm; but the man was never found. Still, he left

the diamonds. That was the great thing, after all. You must look at

them to-night at dinner. They really are wonderful. Are you a judge

of precious stones at all?”

“I am rather,” said Jimmy. “In fact, a jeweler I once knew told me I

had a natural gift in that direction. And so, of course, Sir Thomas

was pretty grateful to your father?”

“He simply gushed. He couldn’t do enough for him. You see, if the

diamonds had been stolen, I’m sure Lady Julia would have made Sir

Thomas buy her another rope just as good. He’s terrified of her, I’m

certain. He tries not to show it, but he is. And, besides having to

pay another hundred thousand dollars, he would never have heard the

last of it. It would have ruined his reputation for being infallible

and doing everything better than anybody else.”

“But didn’t the mere fact that the thief got the jewels, and was

only stopped by a fluke from getting away with them, do that?”

Molly bubbled with laughter.

“She never knew. Sir Thomas got back to the hotel an hour before she

did. I’ve never seen such a busy hour. He had the manager up,

harangued him, and swore him to secrecy–which the poor manager was

only too glad to agree to, because it wouldn’t have done the hotel

any good to have it known. And the manager harangued the servants,

and the servants harangued one another, and everybody talked at the

same time; and father and I promised not to tell a soul; so Lady

Julia doesn’t know a word about it to this day. And I don’t see why

she ever should–though, one of these days, I’ve a good mind to tell

Lord Dreever. Think what a hold he would have over them! They’d

never be able to bully him again.”

“I shouldn’t,” said Jimmy, trying to keep a touch of coldness out of

his voice. This championship of Lord Dreever, however sweet and

admirable, was a little distressing.

She looked up quickly.

“You don’t think I really meant to, do you?”

“No, no,” said Jimmy, hastily. “Of course not.”

“Well, I should think so!” said Molly, indignantly. “After I

promised not to tell a soul about it!”

Jimmy chuckled.

“It’s nothing,” he said, in answer to her look of inquiry.

“You laughed at something.”

“Well,” said Jimmy apologetically, “it’s only–it’s nothing really–

only, what I mean is, you have just told one soul a good deal about

it, haven’t you?”

Molly turned pink. Then, she smiled.

“I don’t know how I came to do it,” she declared. “It just rushed

out of its own accord. I suppose it is because I know I can trust


Jimmy flushed with pleasure. He turned to her, and half-halted, but

she continued to walk on.

“You can,” he said, “but how do you know you can?”

She seemed surprised.

“Why–” she said. She stopped for a moment, and then went on

hurriedly, with a touch of embarrassment. “Why, how absurd! Of

course, I know. Can’t you read faces? I can. Look,” she said,

pointing, “now you can see the castle. How do you like it?”

They had reached a point where the fields sloped sharply downward. A

few hundred yards away, backed by woods, stood the gray mass of

stone which had proved such a kill-joy of old to the Welsh sportsmen

during the pheasant season. Even now, it had a certain air of

defiance. The setting sun lighted the waters of the lake. No figures

were to be seen moving in the grounds. The place resembled a palace

of sleep.

“Well?” said Molly.

“It’s wonderful!”

“Isn’t it! I’m so glad it strikes you like that. I always feel as if

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