grown bored with the game, Jimmy strolled out of the room. He paused

outside the door for a moment, wondering what to do. There was

bridge in the smoking-room, but he did not feel inclined for bridge.

From the drawing-room came sounds of music. He turned in that

direction, then stopped again. He came to the conclusion that he did

not feel sociable. He wanted to think. A cigar on the terrace would

meet his needs.

He went up to his room for his cigar-case. The window was open. He

leaned out. There was almost a full moon, and it was very light out

of doors. His eye was caught by a movement at the further end of the

terrace, where the shadow was. A girl came out of the shadow,

walking slowly.

Not since early boyhood had Jimmy descended stairs with such a rare

burst of speed. He negotiated the nasty turn at the end of the first

flight at quite a suicidal pace. Fate, however, had apparently

wakened again and resumed business, for he did not break his neck. A

few moments later, he was out on the terrace, bearing a cloak which,

he had snatched up en route in the hall.

“I thought you might be cold,” he said, breathing quickly.

“Oh, thank you,” said Molly. “How kind of you!” He put it round her

shoulders. “Have you. been running?”

“I came downstairs rather fast.”

“Were you afraid the boogaboos would get you?” she laughed. “I was

thinking of when I was a small child. I was always afraid of them. I

used, to race downstairs when I had to go to my room in the dark,

unless I could persuade someone to hold my hand all the way there

and back.”

Her spirits had risen with Jimmy’s arrival. Things had been

happening that worried her. She had gone out on to the terrace to be

alone. When she heard his footsteps, she had dreaded the advent of

some garrulous fellow-guest, full of small talk. Jimmy, somehow, was

a comfort. He did not disturb the atmosphere. Little as they had

seen of each other, something in him–she could not say what–had

drawn her to him. He was a man whom she could trust instinctively.

They walked on in silence. Words were pouring into Jimmy’s mind, but

he could not frame them. He seemed to have lost the power of

coherent thought.

Molly said nothing. It was not a night for conversation. The moon

had turned terrace and garden into a fairyland of black and silver.

It was a night to look and listen and think.

They walked slowly up and down. As they turned for the second time,

Molly’s thoughts formed themselves into a question. Twice she was on

the point of asking it, but each time she checked herself. It was an

impossible question. She had no right to put it, and he had no right

to answer. Yet, something was driving her on to ask it.

It came out suddenly, without warning.

“Mr. Pitt, what do you think of Lord Dreever?”

Jimmy started. No question could have chimed in more aptly with his

thoughts. Even as she spoke, he was struggling to keep himself from

asking her the same thing.

“Oh, I know I ought not to ask,” she went on. “He’s your host, and

you’re his friend. I know. But–”

Her voice trailed off. The muscles of Jimmy’s back tightened and

quivered. But he could find no words.

“I wouldn’t ask anyone else. But you’re–different, somehow. I don’t

know what I mean. We hardly know each other. But–”

She stopped again; and still he was dumb.

“I feel so alone,” she said very quietly, almost to herself.

Something seemed to break in Jimmy’s head. His brain suddenly

cleared. He took a step forward.

A huge shadow blackened the white grass. Jimmy wheeled round. It was


“I have been looking for you, Molly, my dear,” he said, heavily. “I

thought you must have gone to bed.”

He turned to Jimmy, and addressed him for the first time since their

meeting in the bedroom.

“Will you excuse us, Mr. Pitt?”

Jimmy bowed, and walked rapidly toward the house. At the door, he

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